University Assistant, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna
(2017) Ph.D. Soil Biogeochemistry, the University of Sydney (Australia)
(2011) M.S. Ecology and Evolution, University of Ferrara (Italy)
(2009) B.S. Biology, University of Bologna (Italy)
Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Ecology and chemistry of plant‑microbiome interactions in iron‑deficient soil (2020-2022). Applicant= Alberto Canarini; Partners= Hirokazu Toju
European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant. Ecological memory of extreme drought events in soil microbial communities (2024-2029). Applicant= Alberto Canarini
Human Frontiers Science Project. Tracking trade across symbiotic networks (2020‑2022). Applicant= Toby E. Kiers; Role= Post-doc
Austrian Science Fund (FWF). ClimGrass ‑ Grassland carbon dynamics in a changing climate (2017‑2019). Applicant= Michael Bahn; Role= Post‑doc
Australian research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship. Drought effects on soil carbon and nitrogen cycling mediated by rhizosphere processes (2013‑2016). Applicant= Feike Dijkstra; Role= PhD student.
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship 2020‑2022
International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) 2013‑2016